Sunday, March 28, 2010

Our Harvest

We're enjoying the fruits of all the recent rainfall we've had. The passionfruits are the best ever! Now we know the secret: lots of water. So let's hope it rains buckets next time they're due too.
Prepare for the tiniest pineapple you've ever seen....drum roll please.....Ta dah! This took about three years to grow :0) . (The koala is a salt shaker.)I have it on good authority that this was "the best lemonade in the WHOLE WORLD!" I think that may have had something to do with the extra cup of sugar...
And the first of our many pretty starfruit. What are you harvesting right now?

1 comment:

  1. Oh Cath, I had forgotten all about Starfruit. We had a tree at Woody Point and I had never tasted them prior to living there. All three of us loved them.

    After going to the Big Pineapple, I was reading there that you only get 2 crops from the 1 head of a pineapple and they each take 2-3 years per pineapple. Its amazing we see pineapples at all!

    Hope you are all well, luv Janine

    PS - are you doing anything over Easter - its about time for a catchup.


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