Wednesday, March 3, 2010

A Beautiful Rainy Day...Week...Month

The wet season is well and truly upon us. So what's to do on these rainy days?

First, make pancakes for breakfast. Yes, I did burn them. All.

Next, play hide-in-Mum's-new-op-shopped-suitcase.

Then you can construct a deluxe rocket with fire flames. After that we went to the op shop, did the groceries and went to a Chinese restaurant for lunch. This morning, Kees got some "gold" coins from his piggy bank and put them in his purse so that "I know! We could go out to a restaurant for lunch!" So we did!

And finally, get out and enjoy that rain with your brand new op-shopped wellies and your favourite pink umbrella! We caught baby toads (yeuggh), followed the connecting stormwater drains and marvelled at the height and speed of the flowing water. Kees loves baby toads and wanted to take two home. As a compromise, I said he couldn't bring them into our house or garden, but he could leave them on the grassy footpath. He did, and when he wasn't looking, I stepped on them and squashed them. Is that bad?


  1. We have been pretending to be mermaids in the backyard whenever the rain stops enough to venture out! Thanks for your lovely comments on my blog! I really enjoy writing (though I sometimes feel like my words are disappearing into my 'Mummy brain')! Martine had asked me if Elara and Kees went to the same Kindy, but I assumed from your photos that he was at Florence (in the same group as Miyan?). Thanks for taking the time to blog...I'm really enjoying the variety of your posts!

  2. Oh we've been having fun with rain as well the last couple of days! We made our floodway between 2 dams into a waterslide - Lots of fun!

  3. Oh course you need to squash the little nasty buggers!!! It will be so funny when Kees gets to the age where he is in the backyard with a cricket bat wacking them over the fence. Ah, good childhood memories....


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