Thursday, February 24, 2011

Baking Time

K: "Mum, while those cookies are cooling down, I'll just have a little sit here."
Me: "Keep your hands off."
J: "Can I have a strawberry?" (reaching for a chilli)

Dang good chunky cookies from Veganomicon: chocolate-choc-chip-walnut. We diverted from the recipe with crushed Easter bunnies, peanuts, linseeds and psyllium (! don't ask, I've been cleaning out the pantry!) so these are healthy and keep you regular! Just what the kids need after vomiting and diarrhoea. The funnest part was definitely squashing the chocolate bunnies. A very kid-friendly recipe with lots of ingredients to be added (to ensure lots of turns for everybody) and easy dough to roll into balls. Way too good!
PS: Later..... K: "Do you know, if you eat three cookies or lots of cookies, it's just like cake!"

1 comment:

  1. LOL at the last comment! They look delicious! I can imagine it was a job allowing them to cool long enough to eat with those little fingers nearby!


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