Monday: Getting started on our four times tables and skip counting songs. Love "The Four Legged Zoo" on YouTube. After that we went to Osprey House for some great educational stuff about mangroves and rivers, in the beautiful mangrove forest.
Wednesday: TLC co-op sings an amazing four-part harmony song and we learn more about Captain Cook and work on skipping tricks. And off to the beach in the arvo.
Thursday: It's Matt's birthday! We spent the day getting ready then celebrated with the folks for dinner - thanks Nanny! Kees baked the cake by himself and Jimmy decorated it. That's me off the hook for every future birthday 😊
Friday: Some more schoolwork and some crystal-growing science first. Then, to go with our studies on Captain Cook: sailing! And then rugby. And there was lots more!
Hi Cath! Lovely to read about your days. Hope you are keeping well xx