Sunday, March 3, 2013

Rainy Day Play

Rain! Rain! And more rain!

Thank goodness for indoor play centres. I don't care which baby's nappy leaked out into the ball pit, or which kid's vomit flowed like lava down the giant slides, I embrace these play centres wholeheartedly. The kids have a blast and I get to sit and chat idly with a friend. Or play with my phone.

I just make them wash their sweaty little hands lots of times. ;0)

Here's my list of Rainy Day Outings:

  1.  Visit friends (and get their house wet and muddy instead)
  2. Indoor play centre
  3. Hungry Jack's playground
  4. Indoor heated pool
  5. Bunnings playground (although it is depressingly grey in there and smells of Osmocote)
  6. McDonald's playground (now that I have broken my cherry and eaten there again for the first time after a 17 year ban, due to Amazon deforestation and global domination)
  7. Library
  8. Art gallery
  9. Movies
  10. Osprey House environmental centre
  11. Rainy walk outside
  12. Rainy adventure (boogey boarding down the creek/mud sliding in the park - just do it)
  13. Or grocery shopping if you want to get it out of the way and spend a sunny day doing something fun instead.
Have you got any other ideas?? Because the forecast is looking grim. And as we speak, Jimmy is in the kitchen making a delicious recipe with: basil, honey, icing sugar, vanilla essence, soy milk and salmon dip. Bless his little creative spirit.

"Mmmm, this is actually really good!"
"Euurr, that's disgusting!"
"Nooo, you have to dip it with bread. Kees thinks this is disgusting. Will you try some?"

 Looks like we might need to go to McDonald's again soon.

I tried a burger. And dammit, I liked it. xx

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