Sunday, September 13, 2015

Nature Study: Mangroves to Mountains

This term, we've been learning all about our local area and following the water from the bay up towards its source. It has been great to have all these beautiful days out exploring nature, which is one of the main reasons we home educate. The children have done some academic work but the main thing is immersion and experience and exploration. The dogs who have joined us have had a ball too!

Exploring the mudflats and its creatures:

Learning about local wildlife:

Learning how the bay and islands were formed:

Landscape painting:

Making a model of an Indigenous fish trap:

Spotting birds and crabs in the mangroves:

Playing "Aboriginal Camp" - the BEST day according to all players!

Wild adventuring up the river - we've got fresh water!

A day at the dam; a beautiful peaceful spot.

Kees's swan photo:

It has been a fantastic experience and I can't wait to head up the mountain next term!

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