Saturday, February 4, 2012

If One More Person Talks About "Socialisation" ...

... I don't know what I'll do. This has got to be the biggest myth about homeschoolers - that we sit at home all day, hiding away from the world, with Mama's boys who cling to our apron strings. Social misfits. Nerds.

I am not exaggerating when I say this: EVERY SINGLE PERSON who has an opinion about our homeschooling says: "But what about socialisation? They need to go to school to learn how to get along with people." One mother even said, and I quote, "They need to experience bullying." What??? Sorry, but this is getting a bit annoying.

So, I shall explain. I have two extremely social little boys. We see other children every day; either morning, afternoon or both. If we didn't, we'd all go stir-crazy. Our children have many beautiful, deep and lasting friendships. They enjoy playing and getting along with a whole range of people: babies, kids, adults. And they get to play for hours! What I like about home education is that I can engineer our time and activities so that my children are playing and learning with friends who will lift them, and help them be good people. Our families are friends; I trust the other parents and I know their values. I get a lot of pure joy from observing all the children playing together - I see a whole other dimension to each child and I am proud of what good friends they are.

There are many home educating families out there and there are lots of activities you can join in with, like park plays, excursions, swimming, gymnastics, sports, art, drama and choir. So, what I'm saying is, you don't have to worry about socialisation. It's all good!


  1. so many fun pictures!
    Grandpas silly games sound fun, I love the rocket pics and I bet your boys love seing themselves in action.
    Kees and his friend with their flower wreathes look utterly adorable
    Did you sneak into my yard to take a photo of my grass? (just kidding, thats what our grass would look like if bennys dad didn't keep bringing round his lawn mower when he thinks its getting out of controll:)
    It must be frustrating having every single person ask the same questions about your homeschooling but it certanly looks like youve got the socialising thing under controll. My day care field worker keeps reminding me that I should be taking the children to play group. Im thinking that we have our own full time playgroup happening here and thats enough craziness for me!

  2. I hear you on this one.
    I had a lady quizzing Alex friends on the train the other day. She kept hammering on, "but HOW can you make friends if you don't go to school."
    She woudln't take his answers

  3. You do a great job Cath! Can't believe someone suggested that bullying was something that ought to be experienced!! That's just crazy. Keep it up, the boys look so happy :-)

  4. OH yes ~ we get that too. People are always asking about their outside activities & I smile & think that our kids have so many chances to socialise other than those as well. Hope you are going well. I've started the twins ( gulp) ~ my life is so much busier now!
    Have a wonderful day & it's lovely to catch up on your news & photos!


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